New Baby (Pre-birth to 18 months)
Whether you are expecting your first child or your fourth, we offer individual consultations or small group classes geared specifically toward expectant and new parents.
Setting Up a Montessori Nursery:
We will discuss creating an environment that is beautiful, safe and promotes baby's optimal development, focusing on the different areas of a nursery (sleeping, feeding, changing, and activity).
Toys, Equipment, and Montessori Mobiles for a Prepared Environment:
Participants in this session will receive recommendations on which commercially available products are recommended for fine and gross motor development. We will also discuss the importance of the Montessori visual mobile series, and participants will be able to create a Montessori mobile to take home.
Respiratory Autogenic Training:
In this 8 week course, expectant mothers will learn and practice breathing techniques to be used during childbirth. Mothers who have trained with the R.A.T. method are able to remain calm, well-oxygenated, and energized during labor for a relaxed birthing experience.